Think you’re pretty fit? You might want to think again. Just because you’re going to the gym several times a week doesn’t mean that you’re as fit as you should be. If you want to really test your strength and stamina, you have to compare what you can do with what most other fit guys can do fairly easily. Below are 13 things every fit guy should be able to do before he can claim he’s in good shape.
Bench press 1.5 times your body weight

Working your way up to bench pressing your body weight can be tough. Once you’ve succeeded, keep going. The fittest guys can often bench press two times their weight. If you can do 1.5, you can start bragging about how much you can bench press. Otherwise, you might want to keep your bench pressing progress to yourself.
Run a six-minute mile

If cardio isn’t your strength, this can seem practically impossible in the beginning. You’ll get there if you put in the work, though. Just get out there and keep pushing yourself. Once you’re able to run an 8-minute mile, working your way up to a 6-minute mile should just take a few weeks of practice.
Leg press 2.5 times your body weight

This isn’t as hard as it sounds. Just start lifting what you can and build your way up. Remember that leg pressing lower weights in faster reps will produce more results than trying to press more than you can handle slowly. Slow and steady wins the leg press game and will offer you the gains you need in the long run.
Do 20 burpees a minute

There’s no better fat burning exercise around. If you can do 20 of these in under a minute, you’re well on your way to be one of the fittest guys you know. If you aren’t completely out of breath when you quit doing burpees, you could probably push yourself to do more.
Do 50 pushups in a row

Yikes. That’s a lot of pushups, but dropping and giving 50 is easy for fit guys, so try to work your way up to it if you’re peaking at around 30 or 40 in a row. Switching up your pushup routine with one-arm push-ups is also a great way to build the upper body strength you need to do several pushups in a row.
Stay in plank position for three minutes

Being able to do this means your core is adequately strong. If you’re still building your core strength, start out by staying in plank position for 20 seconds and gradually work your way up. Here’s a useful plank 30-day plan. If you’re already able to stay in plank position for a minute or so, working your way up to three minutes shouldn’t take too long.
Do 60 sit-ups a minute

Being able to do a sit up every second means your abs are in good shape and you have enough anaerobic stamina to reach other fitness goals. Once you’re able to 60 sit-ups a minute, aim for 75. Then aim for doing 60 sit ups a minute for five minutes. Your abs will thank you for it one day.
Sprint for a minute

You should be able to run or bike as fast as you possibly can for one minute without needing to take a break. If you do this often and start a sprint interval training regimen, you’ll burn off fat faster than you ever thought possible.
Run a half marathon in two hours

This will take weekly training for several months, but if you can run 13 miles in two hours, you’ll be on fitness par with the average male half-marathon runner. Being able to finish a half marathon while running the whole time, no matter how long it takes you, is a good sign for your overall fitness level.
Be able to do 25 pull-ups in a row

Make sure your chin is over the bar and you’re able to keep good form as you’re doing the pull-ups. If you’re straining to do twenty-five in a row or barely able to get your chin up over the bar after a few, keep working at it. Installing a pull-up bar in your house is a convenient way to motivate yourself to step up your pull-up game. Negatives are also a way to build up your pull strength. Get a chair/bench and climb up to the bar with your chin up, and then lower yourself as slowly as possible.
Touch the rim

The fittest guys can jump and touch the rim of a basketball hoop in one try. If you have trouble doing this, try building up your hip muscles and practice jumping every time you go to the gym. Check out these recommendations for building your strength to touch the rim.
30 Second Bodyweight Squat and Hold

A good indication of your lower body strength is whether you’re able to hold a bodyweight squat. Squat down, hold the position for 30 seconds and then stand up without using your hands.
Deadlift Double Your Bodyweight

People who especially workout with machines may struggle with this one. But there’s a lot of other exercises that will help you achieve this goal. Pull ups will help you with you grip. Kettle bell swings will improve your hips and gluten. And high rep squats will help to prepare your lower body for the tension. If you can’t deadlift twice your body weight then get to work on these other things.
Always love doing exercises that will build my hips and gluten